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Leonard Jones Leonard Jones has been involved with worship ministry for 37 years and was professionally trained in the US and Europe. His last 20 years have been spent leading worship at MorningStar Ministries and raising up hundreds of worship leaders and musicians at their school of worship. He is working towards the opening of the Levite Praise Institute. Checkout leonardjones.org for more info. Apple Tree Revival by Leonard Jones, Bob Jones, released 01 September 2014 1. Prophetic Word from Bob Jones with Music (part 1) 2. Prophetic Word from Bob Jones with Music (part 2) 3. Soaking Music [only] (part 1) 4. Soaking Music [only] (part 2) I went to Bob Jones's house last year on my birthday, December 28, and as usual in the presence of this prophet I brought my iphone and recorded the conversation. One disc will have Bob's prophecy on it with spontaneous instrumental praise and the other one will be just the same music without Bob for soaking purposes. They will arrive from the factory August 30 and I will send them out to you September 1. (Bonnie), Bobs widow will receive 10% of everything sold towards this. During our 2 hour visit Bob prophesied many times of the coming revival and a vision of an Apple tree that signified the beginning of one billion souls coming into the kingdom that would be sparked by Praise and Prophecy. Bob went home to be with the Lord a little after a month from that time on Valentines day. This may be the last recorded prophecy that he made. With the permission of his widow Bonnie I went in studios all over the world and recorded violin to the piano played by Bruce Dailey over the prophecy and the result is a stunning 2 disc set. Here is a transcript from Bob's prophecy... "I saw something recently ...now that makes sense. I saw an apple tree, a huge one in bloom like I'm never seen before. To me the Apple tree always represents peace, the coming forth of the peacemakers. I kept praying trying to get the meaning of it. This is what I heard, "There's been many people in the past that have budded but they've never bloomed. Now, they bloom. And they will bloom before the Apple tree blooms in spring." I've always believed when this thing starts, it will start with Praise. So, I expect a breakthrough in Praise sometime before April. So you're taking everything right here just what I believe. I saw these buds, some of them have gone through freezes for years but they were still there. But now, what they couldn't through the years, (I think I've talked about them... That last 40 years ). Now they are going to bud. Right now I feel is another special time. And the reason I don't think it can go without Praise is because when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit about 45-50 years ago I couldn't see or get anything in the spirit until after Praise. I mean I would get it during praise. It's still going to happen during praise because… I know you've heard me say this, what Praise does to the constipated mind, is give it an enema. This is what is getting ready to happen. And so what it will do… I think Praise is getting ready to bring forth the peacemakers. And the peacemakers, are those that's made peace here with God. And they will make peace other places. So I did notice that some of the blooms had really gone through a season. They looked like they were tough and frozen and couldn't open. But, they opened beautifully. So it's time Praise is going to be like a flower. It opens. So as soon as that tree buds, right after that it begins to build the fruit. I see the blooming, I don't know how long on the fruit. But I'm sure the harvest we have waited for is at hand. That's what you're doing. You are going worldwide preparing for the Harvest. I saw some others, hardly any body knows what these men and women of God are doing. But that's what you all are doing. You bring peace here, between the soul and God. And that's now. I don't know what it's going to look like or anything. I only know, where there's been something all along now it flowers. And so, the flower in II Corinthians 2:14 is an incense that begins in man right here, not here, in here. It becomes a pleasant aroma to the nostrils of the Father. There comes a pleasant aroma in the nostrils of The Father. So, I believe all of this (there's the train, it usually blows when I've got a real revelation). I think the main thing of this flower opening is to reproduce the face of The Father and everything. For see, over 2000 years ago the revelation of our Savior was here, over 100 years ago the revelation of the Holy Spirit to prepare us for him. And I think the praise is to reveal The Father. And that's at Ephesians 2:2 so that we could cohabitate with The Father and the Spirit. And so what this does, it brings this to a peace (mind) where that this (inner spirit) can cohabitate with the father and the spirit. Our conscience is our spirit So, these souls that y'all are bringing, it's to open the blooms. So this spring, I feel it's going to be a beautiful spring after a hard winter. This is, I think the new thing that He's talking about in scripture so much. "I'll do a new thing that you've never heard of it before. I think this is the beginning of it but it's also the beginning of the harvest. You've got to have this before you can have the mind settle down here where you can exhibit the kingdom. So this is blooming again. It's a season you understand, from the middle of January, I believe to the middle of April. It's going to be like things opening up to y'all. That's what a bloom does isn't it? I don't know what extent it's going but I know it. It's what he's been speaking for years. It's, "I'll do a new thing", and I'm talking about the scripture. First Corinthians 2 about 8 or 9 in there. Many places in scripture that he describes this. And Isaiah 48:6&7 he speaks about doing this same thing "and it will be called into being by prophecy". And so inspired prophecy in songs and Praise. This is what is going to call it in. The harvest is Youth. I mean you've got to get what the harvest is going to take. It says you can make a decree and it will come to pass in Job 28. So Father, I feel to make a decree and it will be a new thing in Christ that Leonard releases. That's what's released now and there's a greater angel army then I've ever seen before. I usually just see one angel, and maybe three or four times a year. But, recently I saw thousands of Angels, countless thousands. They were all over here getting ready for the harvest. And the harvest will start with Praise. And the only thing that I can say is (and it's not you), don't give up, go up. What I see is, you're getting ready to start things that's never been. It will be in more than one place. That's what I come back for. I'm going to see that before I die. I've had I guess four years of fighting for my life. Now I'm getting better. Now I'm going to see what he promised me. And I believe the glory that he promised me, the abiding glory returning to us. All that He is doing is going to be a new thing. It's never been before. You've got to come to your end so that you can begin. You can't begin until you've come to your end. And, a lot of people like you have come to their end. Now let's hear where He wants to begin. And that's what you'll do, a new beginning, new songs, new music, I don't know how. But, it will be new instruments used in music. This is what the Holy Spirit is bringing out. This Praise is coming now, like I said in Isaiah 48:6-7. It will call into being that which will be shortly. That which we have waited for. So, it will be praise. It will be Praise and prophecy together. And how long would it take a praise song to go worldwide? 24 hours. So boy you were going to have to put it down. You move in revelation, you going to have to even write the songs and everything. Make yourself available for one of the great ones for it's the time. The time is now. We've known that there will be a great harvest and I don't see the church ready for it. I think the Father is. And how soon, how long will it take to church to get ready? I think the church has got some in it that can handle it. Then how many would that bring? It would bring all of Europe in wouldn't it? Ha ha Ha. I think first we've got to have the Praise as a wake up call. Then will begin a restoration of all things. But the enemy really took the nations to the pit right now. So, I don't see that he can even do much more to America. Because, I don't believe the Father will let him destroy her. But, he's got her down to the pit. And, the only thing that will lift us out is Praise. Has the Holy Spirit been preparing praise leaders? Absolutely! Are they getting ready to come into unity with one another? Absolutely! So what you're talking about is you uniting, a koinonia of praise leaders. What would they do worldwide? There are leaders in England and other places, but if all of you come together.... And so that's what He's speaking to me. koinonia, communion with one another. The only question the Father asks when you leave this life is: "Did you learn to love?" The first thing that you've got to learn to love is the Father. I think because see, some of the Praise really reveals the Father. And I've seen it and you probably have too as you are praising, the aroma comes so that you can smell the perfume coming right out of the people. That goes to the Father. It's honoring the Father. It's glorifying the Father. So you've been training for years for this time. Y'all are ready. I think the body of Christ is getting ready. I'm not speaking about the majority, I'm speaking about a minority. I'm speaking of a remnant, as little as 2%. But they will be, have enough, what they will do is blaze a trail for others to follow. So that's what you're talking about, is Trailblazers. That's what you do. Blaze that trail so that others can see how to follow. It's going to be in Praise. Something that will free our minds and break us into true worship of the Father koinonia, communion with one another, So that you have pieces, they have pieces, and when you come together you got a picture Not much of the church has got a picture of the vision of the future. They are so busy gonna get taken out of it which they aren't. But boy, you unite them, they will do more than survive. They will take over. With me, some of the anointing that I had in the past has come back my way. It's delivering people. And sometimes Praise, delivers whole crowds at onced. Three or four times in my past, what I did out there in prophecy set whole groups free at onced. That's what y'all are going to do. Well, I think the waiting is over. I don't know how fast it will go or anything like that. This year, this coming year will be a year of praise. And a quickening and preparing harvesters, laborers. I think this praise is going to affect people to where they get really dedicated to Christ, and start moving in the whole world. And I know that there are places that I've thought of: "They don't stand a chance of anything happening.” Some of those nations are going to be all saved. America is going to have to turn (?? ?) she has. And the only thing they will let in is Praise. The Muslim countries won't let anybody in hardly except praise. They are in these foreign countries now. But, all of this is good but Praise is the best. For, Praise is going to reveal our daddy. So many of the Christians don't understand who their father are. A lot of those church leaders are in pretty high positions right now. Back there and 89 they came to Kansas City and I prayed for them. And they went back and began to do the things that they're called to. I've seen some of these hard nosed Christians, when they would come to my house and I would speak to them about the father and they would leave bawling. And it would change their lives. They are out there still revealing the works of the Father right now. I think this Praise is going to reveal who our father are. So the Praise is to who? You understand? The Praise that's in you, people will hear it but it's really to him. And when this happens it will reveal Him to all that's in to where can hear you. I think there's live tapes coming that will never die. It will reveal the Father. It will never die. You keep playing it, it will still reveal him worldwide. I think China is being prepared for a tremendous awakening and India. If you're going to go anyplace you're going to have to have, you're gonna have to start out in praise. I remember years ago when I got saved, It was the hardest thing to just raise my hands and lift them up. Because it was like totally strange but when your spirit filled that's what's going to happen to you. But when I'd raise my hands up in the praise I would get the prophecy. So I know what praise does I know it's an enema to the soul. And the soul is uh you've been trained that you're soul must dominate your spirit. Because your spirit is your conscience and your conscience must dominate your soul. And your soul must yield to that and it starts that way and praise. So many things that, in my life that I thought I was a failure in, because it never happened the last two years it's been happening, over and over. Some of these prophecies are 35 years old and I'm just hearing about them now but they are happening worldwide. So that's what you're talking about, boy if you started that in England they would come from all over the world like they did in Toronto. Well you're going to have to have the truth and the truth is the only thing that will set us free. And there's several things that he's been speaking to me and things are not going to change no matter what some of the church leaders are saying, until the redeemed rise up and declare it. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. And we're at that point now where some of who are saying that are individuals hid in the body. So I see some that are in charge ain't going to be in charge much longer. And some that's been hidden, totally in charge. It's according to the spirit of that individual. The enemy is going to lose his hold on the church. The only thing that will do that is Praise. Like I've said, bring peace here, between the father and the soul. The only way that can be, and it's got to start here in the spirit of man and become that pleasant aroma to the nostrils of the Father. So some of the first Praise is going to be to the Father. You know, I learned a long time ago that when you do a sign, wonder, or a miracle you are honoring the Father. But we haven't. You have no idea how many people believe that...they see the Father as a judge that's really to get you. So, I keep thinking about when I went to the Lord in death. The only thing that he spoke to me and will ever speak to me, and to you when you leave this life is, "Did you learn to love?" The first thing that you've got to learn to love is the Father. I think because see, some of the Praise really reveals the Father. And I've seen it and you probably have too as you are praising, the aroma comes so that you can smell the perfume coming right out of the people. That goes to the Father. It's honoring the Father. It's glorifying the Father. So you've been training for years for this time. Y'all are ready. I think the body of Christ is getting ready. I'm not speaking about the majority, I'm speaking about a minority. I'm speaking of a remnant, as little as 2%. But they will be, have enough, what they will do is blaze a trail for others to follow. So that's what you're talking about, is Trailblazers. That's what you do. Blaze that trail so that others can see how to follow. It's going to be in Praise. Something that will free our minds and break us into true worship of the Father."

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